Why is Social Media Marketing Important for business in 2021?

As an entrepreneur, do you use Social Media Marketing as a strategy to promote your brand?

Have you ever wondered what if you wake up and find that none of the Social Media channels are functioning one morning?

What would happen then? Will your world fall apart?

Well, just a few years ago, the concept of Social Media was just rising, and now, after a decade, we can’t even imagine a world without any of these media platforms.

6 Reasons Why Website Traffic Drops?

Have you recently noticed a drop in your website’s traffic?

Did you just find out that your site rank has swooped low?

Well, diving down of website traffic is common for every site at some point or the other. And, as a site owner, you would definitely be bothered about the dropping rank. However, the reasons for this sudden plummeting of the traffic and ranks might be numerous. In fact, there might be chances that there is more than one reason that is causing your site to lose the usual high traffic.

7 Digital Marketing Strategies For 2021

The usage of the internet has revolutionized the business scenario worldwide. The digital age is dawning on the people and changing the conventional marketing outlook in every possible way. The chief agenda of marketing in this digital age is getting the maximum impression with high reach. Digital marketing plays a crucial role in building and developing brands. It holds on to the brand’s credibility online with an enhanced digital presence that positively impacts the customer reach at large.

Poems on the road | News Sense

The era when everything is turning digital, with advanced technological support even books have been replaced by e-books. Libraries remain empty while the book stores are finding it hard to sell the copies to the present generation who are engrossed in Kindle and other e-books. At a time when reading books have been literally dropped by today’s youth, two friends Satabdi Mishra and Akshaya Ravtaray are traveling throughout the entire nation with a remarkable ambition to promote reading books among the present generation.

Feminism, The Most Misinterpreted Term In The History Of Humankind.

In most cases in the recent phases, the term Feminism is misinterpreted in the present scenario of Indian society. Here is a breakdown.

There are plenty of reasons why Feminism is necessary for Indian society and also the misinterpretation of the concept must come to an end. We feminists seek equality and we have no intention to have power struggle and dominance over men in every aspect. But in a country like India, where women are subjugated to various issues that demean their status like income equality, devoid of basic education, etc. It is the right of every individual irrespective of gender to get an education, liberty to choose a life partner, equal income for the same job profile, and others.



This is the very first post regarding mental health that I am going to publish. It is difficult to fight our own demons and perhaps the greatest struggle one has to face. But, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. It becomes difficult to struggle without help, but may be it gets a bit easy if we all struggle together and help each other to overcome the issues we face without judging and instead showering each other with love, compassion and kindness. It is us who needs to make the worl

A day with Ruskin Bond

An interactive session with the renowned author of The Blue Umbrella, Ruskin Bond. The Padma Shri and the Padma Bhushan awardee lighted up the stage with his appearance as he released Arefa Tehsin’s book, Steed of the jungle God. The session, which was organised as a part of Kolkata Literary Meet 2018 started at 12 noon as the children and even the adult fans of the author waited patiently for him to take the mic and discuss about his favourite authors as a child.

Being a voracious reader and a

Education to remove darkness from the life of Sabars

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela.

While some people are privileged enough to receive education, there are people in some parts of the country, struggling for their daily needs of bread and butter. Education in such areas is far from the primary requirements where children drop out of the schools very often to meet their basic needs of food and shelter which in turn leads to the various societal issues like Juvenile delinquency, child